Monday, June 17, 2013

The Difference 60+ Pounds Makes

Here are some things I have learned, noticed, or realized as I've lost 60 pounds. I borrowed this idea from Katie over at Runs for Cookies, and a lot of mine are similar to hers. You should check out her blog....she lost something like 125 pounds!!!

-I sink.
I love to swim (in a pool...little sea creatures and open ocean are not my friend) and before, I could stay afloat with pretty much no effort. I had a hard time diving for the weights in the pool because I would just float back up. I noticed today when I had the boys at the pool that now, I sink.

-H can nap on my chest.
I could never lay down flat with my boys on by chest when they were tiny because my belly was so much higher than my chest that it put them at a slant. I always needed to have myself propped up to keep then at the proper angle. We had an hour long nap yesterday with H on my chest and I didn't need to be propped up. 

-I don't have deep veins.
It had always been a challenge to start IV's on me. The students at the college hated practicing on me because you couldn't see my veins, only feel them. I would always say " my veins are good if you can find them, they are just deep" like it was just how I was made. Now I know that they were only deep because they were covered in FAT

-No more high blood pressure. 
I always hovered in that area just under actual hypertension. Not anymore. Last time I took my blood pressure it was 118/46. 

-My resting heart rate dropped from low-mid 90's down to the low-mid 50's. 

-I can use any towel.
We have two really big bath towels and they used to be the only ones I could get to completely cover me after a shower. Now, any of our towels cover me just fine. 

-There is no need for air conditioning in January.
At work it would be routine for my partner and me to have the AC on all the time. While I'm not back to work so don't actually know, I'm pretty sure I won't need it as much. 

-I don't know how people with no body fat survive without freezing to death. I am now cold all of the time!

-The regular size blood pressure cuff is lots big. 

-My bones don't weigh that much.
When I've thought about trying to lose weight in the past I never wanted to pick an ambitious (one that would actually put me at a healthy weight) goal because I never thought I would ever be not overweight. I used to rationalize not weighing a healthy weight by saying, "I'll never weight bones alone weigh that much!"
They don't.

-I can enjoy a bath.
I can now have a bath and not feel cold all of the time because most of me is sticking out of the water. My torso can now be completely covered by water. 

-I can sit in chairs comfortably.
Those metal chairs with the arms that you find in banquet halls use to be uncomfortable and my legs would push against the arms. Now I fit without touching the sides. 

-I can cross my legs like a girl.
I could never sit with my legs crossed at the knee...I always had to cross them like a man with one ankle on the other knee. 

-I can buy any folding lawn chair and not be nervous of it collapsing.
I like having a fabric folding lawn chair for sitting outside at work but I was always heavier than the max weight. I still bought them but always felt nervous sitting down. 

-I wasn't only able to start wearing my wedding rings again, I also had to get them sized. Down from a size 9 to a 7.5. 

-I don't have to look for the biggest size. I could never buy many items of clothes that I really liked because the biggest size wasn't big enough. I still automatically look toward the back of the rack for the biggest size, but then realize I don't need it anymore. 

-I now weigh less than my husband.

-I don't mind my husband knowing how much I weigh.
Obviously my husband knew I was overweight (and loved me and found me attractive anyway) but I still didn't like him knowing the actual number. 

-I don't hide from cameras.
I have been looking for a good "before" picture but haven't really found a good one because I hated having my picture taken. My profile picture hasn't been of me since W was born. I was much happier to share pictures of him, then him and H, than of myself. 

-I'm not too big to borrow my dad's warmer clothes if we stay into the evening at their cottage and I get cold. 

-I was having my last fitting in my bridesmaid dress the other day and the groom's mom, who is doing the alterations, handed me a robe to wear while she adjusted something.
She held it up and my brain automatically thought "that isn't going to fit and won't cover me" but then I remembered that I'm not the same size anymore. The robe fit with lots of room to spare. 

-I can eat foods without mayo, butter or sour cream.
Before, I had to have foods a certain way. Tuna salad had to have mayo (and lots of it), potatoes and veggies had to have butter or margarine, tacos had to have sour cream. My taste buds were used to the fat that makes these things so yummy, and food tasted like crap without them. But my tastebuds have adjusted. I rarely eat any of those things and my food does not taste like crap. It tastes like the food is supposed to!

-I like looking like a girl. Before, I was more comfortable hiding in baggy clothes and had no desire to wear anything 'cute'. Now I hate how baggy clothes look (still not comfortable in anything to skin tight though) and like the idea of looking girly. 

-My BMI has gone from obese to overweight and I'm now 16 lbs from healthy! I never thought I would ever see that category. 

-I look down at my thighs when I'm on the spin bikes at the gym and think "Those can't be my legs!" 

-I need to eat all day long. I was never a breakfast eater, but now it's my most satisfying meal of the day. I eat at least every 3 hours. 

-I can lay on the couch with W. We were rapidly running out of room.

-Jumping jacks aren’t sent from the Devil (but volleyball wall taps are!)
When we started going to classes, I hated jumping jacks. After about 5 of them I had to stop because I was exhausted. Now I can easily do a minute of jumping jacks at a time.

-When W gets tired and grumpy and wants a little extra Mommy attention and wants me to carry him and H, I can. W weighs 50 lbs and H weighs 20 lbs plus his infant car seat. So, 75-80 lbs of kids, with ease.

-Going to the gym is not a chore. Getting to the gym is my escape. I know once I go back to work this might change, but I love how I feel after I’ve gotten in a good work out and hope that will be enough to get my butt there, even after a long shift at work.

What are some things you have noticed if you've lost weight? What little day to day things are you looking forward to that you can't do now?

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed when I eat too much junk food (on my bad days) I pay for it. I just can't eat that stuff hardly at all. I can also do sit ups without my stomach getting in the way. And I can run without feeling all the extra weight bounce around (especially around my waist).
    Just found your blog. Love it. I've lost sixty pounds with six more to go. Love reading other people's stories.
